Sunday, 20 September 2009

Re-Draft : A Level Proposal

For my A Level media task I am going to be working with Grace Williams and we have decided to create the short film instead of the movie trailer or newspaper. We have decided to creat the short film as we have already practiced doing this last year and enjoyed it. We currently only have a rough idea of what we are going to do and need to sort out our final idea.

Our idea at the moment is to base our film around the representaion of social class. We are going to focus on two students who both go to the same school and are the same age which is going to be 16/17. However, the two teenagers will have very different backgrounds and will be treated differently, this will be showing how your social class can have an differnt and sometimes negative affects on your life.
We want the film to be as real as possible which the audience can relate to, like Kidulthood. It is not going to be a clean polished film as we want to focus on realism which will represent events as truly as possible.
We are going to have to use different camera techniques to show the realism in our film to live up to our values.
Our target audience for this film is teenagers from the age 15 up to when you are still in school so either 16 or 18. We have chosen this as our target audience as our film is about youngsters so we ideally want youngsters to watch it and understand it. Our film will not contain swearing or violence however, if we get the feeling of realism right then we will not need the cursing or violence as the film will be jut as effective to our audience.
The music and mise en scene is going to play an importnat roll in this film as there will not be a lot of dialogue. We will use different techniques using the camera like editing and zooming on different parts of the film to connote different meanings, eg. we may zoom in on an expensive piece of jewerlly to show money and wealth.
Our short film is going to deal with real issues in society that affect lots of people. Our film will address bullying and broken homes and will portray a view as real as possible how it affects people instead of a film which is not reality and escapes the issues.
Our film is going to be set over a typical day for the two teenagers. It will show how the two students are treated different in school by their peers and how even though neither of the characters show it, they are being affected all the time. We have not decided on a definate ending yet but we think we will show the end of the school day with each character going home and something dramatic happening to the person who is neglected and lonely.
Our short film will come under action/drama

Sunday, 13 September 2009

A Level Proposal

For my A Level media task I am going to be working with Grace Williams and we have decided to create the short film instead of the movie trailer or newspaper. For our video we have decided to focus on the representation of class but have not come up with a final idea. We have two ideas at the moment and are deciding which one to go with. Our first idea is to show two teenagers from different backgrounds who go to the same school, one will be of a working class who does not have much and is very lonely at home and at school and the other person will be from a middle class area who is considered stuck up with a nice house and lots of stuck up friends at school. Throughout the film, the teenager from the poorer area is neglected by everybody and is therefore depressed, this could end up in a dramatic ending for the child who is lonley in school and at home, whilst the student from the richer background does not even acknowledge the other person untill at the end and then they realise how lucky they are and how they are going to change. Our other idea is to switch the characters around. Instead we may do the teenager from the richer background to be lonely and depressed as his/her parents may always be away and they may not fit in at school where as the person from the working class background will actually turn out to be the happy child who may not have much but is happy with what he has as he/she will have a strong family and many friends. During our film, e will use different techniques to indicate and represent ideas through the film. For example we may focus the camera on little things to do with each of the teenagers such as there foot wear or jewelry which could connote and represent different backgrounds and lifestyles. We plan on using teenagers as the cast as this way teenagers who watch the video can relate and we want them to be our target audience. Our film will represent difference in class and though some people may have everything; it doesn't mean they are happy.